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Shark Apex Uplight DuoClean vs. Shark Apex Upright Vacuum With DuoClean

Are you looking to buy a new Shark vacuum? With thousands of models and brands on the market, picking the best one for your own cleaning needs is hard. So we are here to let you know the differences between these two premium models that the Shark brand has ever made: Shark Apex uplight duoclean vs. Shark apex uplight vacuum with duoclean.

Which Shark Vacuum Is The Best?

Shark Apex Uplight Lift-Away Duoclean

Shark Apex Uplight vacuum is a top-class device that combines the best of both worlds: a powerful suction of an upright vacuum and a lightweight stick vacuum design. Thanks to its slim shape, you can carry the vacuum and clean hard-to-reach places with no problem. This vacuum is also excellent at tackling dust and debris on all kinds of floorings: hardwood, tiles, medium-pile carpets, thick-pile carpets, and area rugs.

  • Design
The Shark Uplight vacuum weighs more than 10 lbs, lighter than most upright vacuums in the market. In addition, this vacuum allows the user to detach the lift-away pod from the main body for above-ground cleaning tasks. What we love about the design is the swivel steering head that gives you total control of the machine. Now, you can clean tight corners and under low furniture with minimum effort.
  • Features
When we mention the Shark apex duoclean vacuum, it's hard to ignore its modern technology. The DuoClean technology uses two brush rolls to give the floors a thorough clean. In addition, the HyperVelocity suction feature uses a high-speed motor to provide strong and consistent suction power.

If you're a pet owner, you will fall in love with the Self-cleaning brush roll. The hair will untangle itself, and there will be no blockage in the cleaner head. In addition, users are happy that they no longer have to use the scissors to cut out long strands of hair wrapped in the roller brush.

Lastly, the Shark Apex uplight lift-away duoclean includes two of the best filtration technology: HEPA filter and Anti-Allergen Complete seal to capture 99.9 percent of all dust and allergens inside the machine.


Shark Apex Upright Vacuum With Duoclean

The Shark Apex upright vacuum is best for deep-cleaning purposes. This vacuum weighs over 17 lbs, which is heavier than the shark apex uplight duoclean. However, after hours of testing, we are confident that the Shark Apex upright is extremely versatile and easy to push around.

The Shark Apex upright packs the same technology we see in the Uplight model, such as Lift-Away, Duoclean, Zero M, and Hyper Velocity. This upright vacuum also contains a HEPA filter and Anti Allergen complete seal system to trap infectious particles over 0.3 microns.

Compared with the Shark Uplight's bin capacity of 0.68 dry quarts, this vacuum includes a much bigger dirt capacity of 1.5 dry quarts. This feature allows users to vacuum more regularly without making trips to the trash can.

One thing that separates the Shark Apex upright from the Shark Apex Uplight is the Powered Lift-Away feature. This technology lets you remove the cleaner head and transform the upright unit into a more portable handheld model, with the brush roll working in full power.


We hope you can pick the best Shark apex uplight review. Please let us know which one you'd prefer in the comment below.
Sist redigert av farleymartinez den 19/09-2023 10:56, redigert 2 ganger totalt.
Innlegg: 6859
Registrert: 19/03-2011 15:19
Sted: Trondheim

$S = 3\cdot10^8 \frac ms \cdot 3600 s = 3\cdot 10^8 \cdot 3.6 \cdot 10^3 \ m$ så er det bare å slå sammen tierpotensene vha. regneregler for potenser.