MMOEXP : We're sure that in the course of the life of WOW

Her kan du stille spørsmål om oppgaver i matematikk på ungdomsskole og barneskole nivå. Alle som føler at de kan bidra er velkommen til å svare.

Moderatorer: Vektormannen, espen180, Aleks855, Solar Plexsus, Gustav, Nebuchadnezzar, Janhaa

Innlegg: 3
Registrert: 15/06-2024 09:05

What can you tell us about the latest flying mount?

The flying mount is able to run through the ground at a speed that is faster than the epic mount speed. We would like you to take off in front of your buddies and showcase it with WoW cataclysm Gold the words, "Hey, dude! Check me out. I'm on a mount that fly!" This mount gives you free flight throughout the entire Outlands. Therefore, if there's content on a particular rock that's only accessible to me if I own an air-based mount, and is required to be at 70 levels to gain.

Is there a way for me to fall from the bike?

Presently, no, however, we're talking about the combat mechanics in an iterative manner as we progress into beta and alpha. We're not planning to give you combat on the horse however, for PVP scenarios, we may be required to create a situation that you have to dismount. Our primary goal in the way we design system design is that it should be as pleasurable as is possible, then we'll make it easier to nerf in alpha or beta. If something causes a world issue, we'll have to address it.

Do you have the right to fall off the mount while in mid-air?


If you fall off from a height too high do you think you'll crater?

Oh, yeah. Watch. Clicks dismount action. Ahhhhhh. The player falls and suffers around 3,700 fall-related damage.

Do you have any information about the new raids that are part of the new expansion?In terms of raiding instances are concerned, you'll explore Hellfire Citadel. It's an "winged dungeon"-like Scarlet Monastery. There are the two 5-man "level-up" wings, ranging from levels 60-62. There's a fifth five-man level 70 wing, similar to the Dire Maul or a Stratholme as well as an Onyxia-style combat. We're trying to do more in bridging the different content so that everybody can enjoy access to Hellfire Citadel experience in their individual comfort zone.

We'll have some awesome raid zones, such as The Black Temple, which is pure endgame quest. We'll be having The Caverns of Time: The Battle for Mount Hyjal, the final game in buy Cataclysm Classic Gold where the Night Elves banded together with Jaina and Thrall to take on Archimonde.