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I will give MONEY to the persons that help me NOW!!

Lagt inn: 02/02-2009 20:48
av fotballski
I will give MONEY to the persons that help me NOW with my PayPal account.

1) Define trajectories of the projectiles. Write 4 different quadratic equations according to following criteria:
a Must be written in ax ² + bx + c form
b coefficient of x ² must be negative1
c 2 of equations must be negative
d 1 equation are trinomials and not perfect square
e 1 equation must be binomial difference of perfect square

2) Verify and make shure that the equations have 2 zeros or more. Explain how you verified ir
3) Draw the graphs represented in the 4 different trajectories. Use the equations for this. The 4 trajectories can be in the same Cartesian plane if clearly laveled and/or color coded. To help you graphingit, here are some hints:
a A parabola is a symmetrical shape
b The axis of symmetry goes through the vertex
c you should use the zeros of the equation and the vertex to help drawing it, plus more points taken logically (5 points in total)
4) Which of the projectile isit better to use? Why? If needed, create specific contex for the situation.
5) Analyze the relation between the graphs and the equations. Is there a lien between the shape of the graph and the equations? Could you predict how wide or how high the trajectory would be using only the equations? Make a conjecture about the link between the equations and the trajectories.

6) using a graphic calculator, verify your hypothesis. Sketch a few parabolas labeled with their equations on a new graph. Analyze your hypothesis using this graph.

7) Explain how those calculations could be useful in a real life situation. It can be specifically linked to the example given here or for another example where parabolas are used.


Lagt inn: 02/02-2009 22:31
av espen180
Sir, understand the this website does not exist for us to do your homework for you. We are merely here to help you gain a better understanding for mathematics.

If you would post whatever work you have already done, weather it is right or wrong, we will help you by pointing out where you have made eventual errors and give you hints to help you along the way,but know that in the end, you are the one who will be doing the work.


Also, these are elementary problems which you can solve by reading the appropriate chapter in your textbook. At least attempt te problem before you come running with it to us.

Lagt inn: 02/02-2009 22:51
av =)

Lagt inn: 03/02-2009 13:41
av fotballski
Problem is; we don't have a text book. I don't go to a norwegian school, and everything that we learn, we have to write down in our own books.
I've been sick a lot, and the teacher hasn't bothered to help me. He insists, though, that I do the project, although I don't understand anything.
I'm doomed without at least some hints. To be more specific on what I need help with, here are some questions, not the whole project:

1) Can I use any equation?

what is a binomial difference of perfect square?

2) What does it mean that the equations must have 2 zeros or more. how do you verify it?

3) How do you draw the graphs represented in the 4 different trajectories?
I just don't get it! Please at least give me something to start with!

If I get help with these ones, I'll be able to figure out the rest. No you don't do the homework for me, but you help me understand!

Lagt inn: 03/02-2009 16:52
av Realist1
How much money do I get for redirecting you to

Lagt inn: 03/02-2009 17:28
av espen180
fotballski skrev:1) Can I use any equation?

what is a binomial difference of perfect square?

2) What does it mean that the equations must have 2 zeros or more. how do you verify it?

3) How do you draw the graphs represented in the 4 different trajectories?
I just don't get it! Please at least give me something to start with!
1) No. The functions in question are most likely second-degree polynomials. A perfect square is any expression which can be writtenin the form [tex](x\pm a)^2[/tex].

2) Your teacher har been sloppy. It is most likely supposed to say that the functions must have two zero points, which are the points where the functions equal zero.

3) Draw a coordinate system and plot the function values vs. the independent variable values. You can also do this on a computer with the appropriate software.

I hope I didn't appear too cold in my previous post. You are by all means welcome to post here, but offering money for us to do your homework is not appropriate. Besides, if you do, you are only fooling yourself, and no one wants to see that. ;)

Can du manage now?

Lagt inn: 03/02-2009 17:41
av lodve
Why can't you just post your math problem here for instance This math site is mainly for norwegian students, who merely speak norwegian.

Lagt inn: 03/02-2009 17:50
av espen180
Here's another good forum you should concider:

Lagt inn: 03/02-2009 18:02
av fotballski
Ok, I think I'll post the question one more time in a more approtiate form:

went to a normal and super easy norwegian school. Then, I decided it was too easy, and I went over to the IB system (10th grade)

Everything is fine beside the math witch is impossible. To make matters worse I have been sick a lot, making followng the current unit impossible. considering the fact that I haven't learnt the basics I don't understand anything of teh assignment I got.

Can some one help me on the following assignment?
Se here's the assignment:

1) Define trajectories of the projectiles. Write 4 different quadratic equations according to following criteria:
a Must be written in ax ² + bx + c form
b coefficient of x ² must be negative1
c 2 of equations must be negative
d 1 equation are trinomials and not perfect square
e 1 equation must be binomial difference of perfect square

2) Verify and make shure that the equations have 2 zeros or more. Explain how you verified it
3) Draw the graphs represented in the 4 different trajectories. Use the equations for this. The 4 trajectories can be in the same Cartesian plane if clearly laveled and/or color coded. To help you graphingit, here are some hints:
a A parabola is a symmetrical shape
b The axis of symmetry goes through the vertex
c you should use the zeros of the equation and the vertex to help drawing it, plus more points taken logically (5 points in total)
4) Which of the projectile isit better to use? Why? If needed, create specific contex for the situation.
5) Analyze the relation between the graphs and the equations. Is there a lien between the shape of the graph and the equations? Could you predict how wide or how high the trajectory would be using only the equations? Make a conjecture about the link between the equations and the trajectories.

6) using a graphic calculator, verify your hypothesis. Sketch a few parabolas labeled with their equations on a new graph. Analyze your hypothesis using this graph.

7) Explain how those calculations could be useful in a real life situation. It can be specifically linked to the example given here or for another example where parabolas are used.

Here is what I don't understand:

Q for task 1) Can these 4 different quadratic equations be any quadratic equations following the criterias?

No we come to what I really don't understand. The whole buisness with graphs and zeros and trajectories.

What is the link beteen an equation like this and a graph??? How do you calculate the graph in the first place (without a calculator)

2) where are the zeros, how do you get them (?), and how do you verify it?

3) "Draw the graphs represented in the 4 different trajectories. Use the equations for this."

How do you calculate and do that with the quadratic equations? what do you need to take care of? Can someone give me an example on how to do it from strt to end, so that I can understand?

4) How do you find out which projectile is best to use?

5) What is the relation between the graphs and the equations, or how do you find that out?

With that information, I think I can figure it out.

PS! Pleas explane like you would to a five year old. I really have no clue, so using very advanced expressions, signs and language will only confuse me more.



By the way; hvorfor skriver jeg engelsk på et norsk forum?

Lagt inn: 03/02-2009 18:48
av Realist1
fotballski skrev:By the way; hvorfor skriver jeg engelsk på et norsk forum?
Jeg skulle akkurat til å spørre om det samme.

Lagt inn: 08/02-2009 03:40
av Camlon1
2) Your teacher har been sloppy. It is most likely supposed to say that the functions must have two zero points, which are the points where the functions equal zero.
Faktisk ikke. Det heter zeros, ikke zero points.

Lagt inn: 08/02-2009 14:29
av Realist1
It's not the fart that kills, it's the smell. But that's just hope in a hanging snore.