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Dispersjonsanalyse av differansemetode

Lagt inn: 18/03-2019 00:39
av Gjest
Jeg jobber med Wendroff's metode:

I approksimasjonen

[tex]u_k_n=u^ e^{i(\omega n \Delta t+\beta k \Delta x)}[/tex]

med [tex]\omega=\alpha+ib[/tex], trenger jeg å vise at hvorvidt [tex]\alpha[/tex] er en triviell funksjon av [tex]\beta[/tex], altså hvorvidt
\frac{\partial^2}{\partial \beta^2} (\frac{\alpha}{\beta})=0
If the above second derivative is 0, then $\alpha$ is trivial and the difference method is non-dispersive. I've inserted (2) into (1) and found
e^{i\omega \Delta t}=e^{-i\beta\Delta x}-\frac{1-r}{1+r}(e^{i(\omega\Delta t-\beta\Delta x)}-1)
I'm not sure how to simplify this expression. I've seen one proof, for Lax-Wendroff method, that takes $e^{i\alpha\Delta t}$ and somehow constructs tan$(\alpha\Delta t)$ out of it. Others use Euler's formula to expand and then simplify. Any suggestions on how to proceed?