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Lagt inn: 15/02-2019 16:11
av hnes
Slit litt med å forstå verkemåten til eit sitronbatteri, og internett gjer meg ikkje meir klok.

Lat oss sei vi nyttar sink og kopar som elektrodar.

I følge wikipedia er det sink som er anode, og elektrona går i ein ytre krets og bind seg deretter til H+ i sironsyra. H2 blir danna ved kopar-elektroden.

1. Kva funksjon har eigentleg kopar-elektroden i dette tilfellet? Kunne vi like gjerne nytta ein grafitt-elektrode?

2. Kva skjer med sink-iona?

Altså; eg forstår ikkje rolla til kopar-elektroden dersom denne forklaringa gjeld. Og dersom denne forklaringa gjeld, så skjønnar eg heller ikkje kvifor elektrona i det heile teke går i den ytre kretsen, dei kan vel likegodt gå rett i elektrolytt-suppa (som ein forskyvings-reaksjon). Handlar dette kanskje om at det er veldig stor mostand her, og veldig knapt med elektron som vandrar?

Frå wikipedia@Lemon Battery:

This model of the chemical reactions makes several predictions that were examined in experiments published by Jerry Goodisman in 2001. Goodisman notes that numerous recent authors propose chemical reactions for the lemon battery that involve dissolution of the copper electrode into the electrolyte. Goodisman excludes this reaction as being inconsistent with the experiments, and notes that the correct chemistry, which involves the evolution of hydrogen at the copper electrode but also can use silver instead of copper, has been known for many years.[4] Most of the detailed predictions of the model apply to the battery's voltage that is measured directly by a meter; nothing else is connected to the battery. When the electrolyte was modified by adding zinc sulfate (ZnSO4), the voltage from the cell was reduced as predicted using the Nernst equation for the model. The Nernst equation essentially says how much the voltage drops as more zinc sulfate is added. The addition of copper sulfate (CuSO4) did not affect the voltage. This result is consistent with the fact that copper atoms from the electrode are not involved in the chemical reaction model for the cell.